3D Dinopedia Herbivorous
Period of life:
154-153 mya
8 m
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Jurassic period Brachiosaurus | 3D Dinopedia
Jurassic period Brachiosaurus 3D Dinopedia
Jurassic period Brachiosaurus 3D Dinopedia
Jurassic period Brachiosaurus 3D Dinopedia
What the name means: Shoulder lizard
Brachiosaurus was a large sauropod from North America that lived in the Jurassic period about 153 million years ago. It was a true giant: its height was almost equal to a three-story building, and it weighed about 29-47 tons. Such a huge dinosaur needed to eat much more food every day than the largest predator to be well-fed, especially since plant food provides much less energy. The structure of its body was perfectly suited to finding as much vegetation as possible. The uniqueness of Brachiosaurus lies in the fact that its front limbs were longer than its hind limbs. This feature, along with its long, upwardly curved neck, made it resemble a giant giraffe. More than half of the Brachiosaurus's weight was concentrated on its long neck, which was about 8 meters in length. In the mouth of Brachiosaurus were numerous strong teeth, shaped like small spoons, which were perfect for tearing off leaves. The teeth were always ready for work, as every 83 days, the old teeth fell out and new ones grew in their place!
The legs were positioned vertically under the torso, like those of elephants, to better withstand the weight of the huge body. The toes were short and thick, and special pads on the soles softened the steps and helped distribute the weight correctly. Brachiosaurus lived at a time when the Earth's climate was warm and humid, so it did not have to expend much energy in searching for food. Every day, it consumed up to 1500 kg of vegetation, which is 10 times more than what a modern elephant needs. Brachiosaurus was so huge that small predators did not dare to attack it. They were afraid of such a giant, as a single strike from its powerful tail could knock them down or even crush them.
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